project 365: week eight

DSC_0301I have to confess something: My favorite thing to photograph are dogs. I spent all week taking pictures as usual, and when I sat down to edit them, I had to choose the best of the dog ones. I couldn’t help myself. This week’s collection of pictures is all from the weekend–admittedly, it was a tough week. It rained all day every day, and I was busy at work. I thought pictures of my weekend would be better than pictures of my desk… because that’s mostly all that happened. Continue reading

project 365: week seven

This week was really a quiet one. I flew home from Nashville on Sunday and had to bury myself in work for a few days to catch up. Jason has been really sick, so most of my time has been spent quietly: reading, cooking, working, and even some painting. It’s been a nice little respite from the usual hustle and bustle. DSC_0323I made Minestrone with lots of veggies and little tiny pastas in it. Continue reading

Book #22 The Commitment by Dan Savage

41zA3XSCpyL._SL500_I first heard Dan Savage on This American Life, telling the story of his son announcing that marriage was for GIRLS and BOYS, not for BOYS and BOYS. He informed his dads that he did not, under any circumstances, want them to get married. He was glad that they were his dads, and glad that they loved each other, and that they loved him, but he was definitely not down with BOYS marrying BOYS. This is especially hilarious because Dan Savage is a major gay rights activist. He writes for the advice column for the Seattle Newspaper The Stranger. His column, “Savage Love,” is certainly not for the faint of heart, and I’m almost positive that there is nothing that Dan Savage could be asked that would throw him off his game. He’s open, honest, and frank with his readers, and that sort of straight-forwardness is really refreshing. Anyway, this isn’t about his column, it’s about his book, The Commitment. Continue reading

Roasted Beet Pesto


We have totally talked about the color of beets before, yes? Are you done with that conversation? Okay, good. Me either. Check out that color! It’s like everything you ever wanted from a nail polish. Or lipstick. Or a pair of skinny jeans. (Maybe that last one is just me?) I’m on a newly found mission to incorporate beet-magenta into my life in new and interesting ways. I think that this beet pesto is a good place to start. Continue reading

project 356: week six

I have a lot of pictures this week. I’ve been in Nashville since Wednesday night, and my flight home leaves in a few hours. I took a few photos earlier in the week, but I had to eliminate all of the ones from home and just use Nashville ones because I couldn’t choose any to get rid of. So, here’s a little recap of my trip:DSC_0296Sunrise from the windows at Jane’s house on Thursday morning after Mona woke me up at six in the morning. You can see most of Nashville from up here. Continue reading

Strawberry Mascarpone Tart

DSC_0479This tart is everything that’s good about strawberries. It’s everything that’s good about cheese and chocolate cookies, too. It’s like a cheese/fruit plate for dessert. With chocolate cookies and honey. It’s low-sugar. It’s really not a terribly bad for you dessert. (You’re buying it, right? I’m working really hard, here.) Continue reading

Book #21 Heads in Beds by Jacob Tomsky

Book Review Heads in BedsHave you ever wondered whether or not you’re supposed to tip the maid at a hotel? And if so, how are they going to know that it’s for them and not just your money lying on the dresser? What about bellmen? And what can you do to make sure that the staff at the hotel is looking out for you? Or, conversely, what should you absolutely NOT do to make sure that no one holds a grudge against you? Heads in Beds has those answers, and lots more. Continue reading